Get High Paying International Clients Fast for Your Agency!

Become a CEO Society member and learn from our first program, Agency Fastlane, to launch and scale your agency using the Fastlane Framework

Discover if This Program is Your Perfect Fit!

Who is this for? This program is perfect for those who…

…feel lost?

Feeling lost about starting your agency? You're not alone. Our program provides a complete roadmap from agency formation to scaling it into a seven-figure powerhouse. With step-by-step guidance and proven current strategies, you'll have everything you need to make your agency dreams a reality.

…already have an agency?

Struggling to secure high-paying international clients despite your expertise as a freelancer or agency owner? Even with your skills, attracting premium clients is hard. Our program's Fastlane Framework is your solution. With just three simple steps, you can quickly and easily secure those golden clients.

…struggle with consistent clients?

Struggling to land clients regularly? I understand how tough and stressful it can be. Our Fastlane Framework makes it simple. With just four high-paying clients, you can reach close to seven figures a month. No more endless client hunting—just a clear path to scaling your agency and achieving your financial goals.

After getting inside

What's Inside CEO Society?


Agency Fastlane Program with easy video lessons

Starting or already running an agency? These video lessons will help you build a scalable business with consistent clients. Think of them as your class textbooks—refer back anytime you need help.


Weekly Zoom Classes for Agency Q&A, Sales, and English Communication

Video lessons alone aren't enough, so we added weekly live Zoom classes. Get Agency Q&A, sales coaching to close clients, and English fluency lessons to improve your communication with international clients.


Access to Our Community on the CEO Society Web Platform with Real Agency Owners Coaching You

We have handpicked passionate agency owners who were once in your shoes to coach you. Whether it's an Ecom agency, SMMA, AI agency, or growth operator, we'll guide you in achieving your agency goals.


Accountability Buddy to Keep You Motivated and On Track with Your Milestones

Most entrepreneurs fail due to lack of motivation. That's why you'll get an accountability buddy who checks in to keep you on track, motivated, and offers feedback to help you reach your goals.

When you join CEO Society, this is what your journey will look like, from freelancer to CEO

Milestone 1
Getting Paid by Your First Client
Milestone 2
Hiring Your First Part-Time Fulfilment Team Member
Milestone 3
Hiring Your First Part-Time Sales Team Member
Milestone 4
Applying the Fastlane Framework to Outreach and Sales
Milestone 5
Adjusting your Key Performance Indicators(KPI) for Steady Clients
Milestone 6
Expanding Your Sales and Fulfilment Teams
Milestone 7
Automating Client Acquisition and Service Fulfilment
Milestone 8
Growing from Freelancer to CEO with Steady Clients

Explore the gems that await you in the Program

Phase 1 : The Foundation
The Foundation

Nobody can build anything without a rock solid foundation. Most of this you might have heard before , but it's because basics matters 200℅, your growth will really be exponential if you make this right. The best place to start? Right Here!

Phase length: 5 lessons (1h32mins)

-Discovering Your Profitable Niche.

-Market Research Techniques.

Module 2: Launchpad Setup

- Company Registration Essentials

- Optimal Payment Method Selection

- Brand Identity Creation

Phase 2 - Strategic Direction
Strategic Direction

Hey you!! Yes you☝

Now I am talking to an agency owner, A leader who has to lead people, take major decisions and scale business. You need to have a strong mindset and the right strategies to master the agency business!

Phase length: 5 lessons (1h32mins)

- Effective Communication Strategies

- Client Engagement Techniques

- Networking Secrets

2.2 Niche

- Service Packaging Strategies

- Value Proposition Development

- Pricing Strategies

2.2.1 SMMA Niches

- Service Packaging Strategies

- Value Proposition Development

- Pricing Strategies

2.2.1 SMMA Niches

- Service Packaging Strategies

- Value Proposition Development

- Pricing Strategies

Phase 3 - The Fastlane close method
The Foundation

The time you are waiting for has arrived. Let's seal the deal.

You are going to get the most simple and effective closing technique that made me millions of dollars and closed 100s of deals.

Phase length: 5 lessons (1h32mins)

- Fastlane Framework Overview

- Prospecting and Lead Generation Tactics

- Booking High-Value Appointments

3.2 Brand Building

- Magic wand to Close your client

- Onboarding the right way

3.3 Setting up Payment

- Magic wand to Close your client

- Onboarding the right way

Phase 4 - Execution Excellence
Execution Excellence

Execution excellence is the art of turning vision into reality through meticulous planning, diligent implementation, and unwavering commitment to results. It requires clarity of vision, efficient resource allocation, adaptability to challenges, and a relentless focus on outcomes. It's about continuous improvement, learning from failures, and celebrating successes.

Phase length: 5 lessons (1h32mins)

- Client Onboarding Best Practices

- Service Delivery Optimization Techniques

- Time Management Strategies

Bonus - Automating and Retaining
Automating and Retaining

Now you have few clients, it's time to scale and build your in-house team and automate and build systems

Other Bonuses  

• Outreach scripts that are polished after trial and error that have helped in closed for 2000$ clients.

• Cold call script that can get past the gatekeeper and make business owners to speak with you.

• Closing framework script that has closed 100,000$+ clients    • Onboarding emails.

• Hiring post template.

• Bulletproof contract to ensure smooth service delivery.

Phase length: 5 lessons (1h32mins)

-Building Long-Term Client Relationships

-Customer Satisfaction Strategies

-Automating Methods and Techniques

Get into Agency Fastlane

Unlock Your Potential Now!

One-time complete enrollment to Agency Fastlane


$xxx/month billed annually

xxxxxxx ($1,500 Value)
xxxxxxx ($1,500 Value)
xxxxxxx ($1,500 Value)
xxxxxxx ($1,500 Value)

CEO Society Vs Other Programs

We reveal our real businesses
Daily Live Classes
Accountability buddy to check your progress
12 months program
One fee to unlock all modules, no upsells
Others hide theirs
Inconsistent zoom classes
Nobody cares about your progress after enrollment
Promises lifetime update then shuts down
Cheap courses with hidden expensive upsells
Get into Agency Fastlane

Unlock Your Potential Now!

One-time complete enrollment to Agency Fastlane


$xxx/month billed annually

xxxxxxx ($1,500 Value)
xxxxxxx ($1,500 Value)
xxxxxxx ($1,500 Value)
xxxxxxx ($1,500 Value)

Get out of the Limbo effect

Limbo is a word that describes feeling stuck or uncertain, like you're in between two places or situations and not sure what will happen next.

Feeling trapped in limbo, I find myself at a crossroads, uncertain of which path to take to move beyond this stagnant situation. Despite my efforts to break free, clarity eludes me, leaving me in a state of indecision and frustration.

Take me out of this limbo now

I've left the confusion of limbo behind, and now I'm focused on reaching my dreams. I'm dedicated to making progress and succeeding in my agency business with a clear plan and determination.

Get me the program now
Still having Doubt?

Our team is here for you

Connect with one of our team members to have all your queries resolved. Book a complimentary discovery call below. Expect a prompt response within minutes, and rest assured, they're here to tackle all your questions.
Faq’s section

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some common questions from our customers that may very well give you the answer you are looking for.

How much time will it take to get my first client?
If you are a deliberate action taker you can get clients under 30 days Or less.
Can I start this as a beginner without prior knowledge?
Yes if you are ready to learn and take deliberate action
Is there a group that I will join, after purchasing the course?
You will get access to a discord server where you will have expert support available.
How much time do I need to start an agency? Can I do this while in school or a full time job?
You can take your first two or three clients even without a registered agency. So if you are an action taker you can get started in 20 days.
Will I get 1-1 support during the course?
Yes you will have weekly q&a calls + a success coach